Living and fertile soils

12 benefits of biodynamic farming

In light of the 100 years celebration of biodynamic farming, it’s time to unveil our next monthly benefit: Living and fertile soils. Each month throughout 2024 we highlight a specific benefit of biodynamic farming and show how biodynamic farming can be a solution in many ways by improving soil fertility, fostering biodiversity, preserving our environment and so much more. In March the focus lies on soil fertility, the beginning of all plant life.

Soil regeneration

Soil fertility is key. It is the foundation for good quality products, our health and of course for the well-being of our planet. This is why one of the fundamental values of biodynamic farming is the regeneration of the soil. Biodynamic farming is not only about food production, but also about the sustainability and resilience of the farm itself which relies on soil fertility. The aim is to give something back to the earth by bringing the soil to life.

Towards climate mitigation

This includes maintaining and increasing the natural fertility of the soil through appropriate cultivation, animal husbandry and fertilisation. The aim of fertilisation is primarily to build up humus and thereby create soil fertility from which plants are nourished. The humus layer provides a source of nutrients for plants, regulates the air and heat balance of the soil, and binds CO2. All these elements are crucial for food production, but they also play a crucial role for the climate. The carbon sequestration potential of living and fertile soils gives them a major role in achieving climate mitigation and thus highlights the role of farming in the current climate crisis.

Fostering resilience through soil fertility

Biodynamic farming works consistently to build up and enliven the soils through compost applications, animal and green manures, crop rotations, appropriate tillage, cover crops, and fodder plants. Each of these serves a different purpose – clover grass, for example, binds nitrogen from the air in the soil – but all of them foster the farm’s resilience and self-sufficiency.

Stay tuned for next month’s benefit and find out more about the 100 years celebration on our dedicated webpage!

Contact: Clara – Meet the Team

Brussels, 01.03.2024

Soil fertility is key

Demeter Farmers care for the soil – with manure, not with chemicals.

Biofach 2024: 100 Years of Biodynamic Farming
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