Appeal for donations – Ukraine
It is difficult to find words in view of the current situation. These days, thousands of people are fleeing due to the war, especially from the embattled areas in the east and south of Ukraine and, of course, from Kyiv. The biodynamic farm in Potutory – located in a rural area in the West of Ukraine – immediately agreed to take in people and provide them with a safe place to stay and shelter on their way further west. The first of these “guests” have already arrived. Thus, food, heating, transport and an appropriate infrastructure must be provided.
- With a one-off sum of 500 Swiss francs, 20 mattresses and blankets can be purchased.
- With 420 Swiss francs, one refugee can be fed and cared for for a month, including heating; in the summer months this amount is reduced to half.
- With 500 Swiss francs per month, Potutory can cover the additional organisational costs, i.e. staff for purchasing, kitchen, cleaning and management.
- It would also be urgent to improve the current sanitary facilities, as the farm currently only has two simple dry toilets outside.
- If sufficient donations are received, paid jobs can be created for the people.
For the Board of Directors of Shiva Semlya Switzerland: Andreas Chervet and Christian Butscher
For the Management of Potutory GmbH: Cristina Lieberherr and Ivan Bojk
Your donations will be received via “Acacia Fond für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit“. Donations will be transferred to the farm Schiwa semlja Potutory in Ukraine via the account of the association Schiwa Semlja in Switzerland. All incoming funds are used exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes. The Shiwa Semlja Switzerland Association and the local managers guarantee that the money can be received and will be administered transparently.
How to donate?
Donation account in Switzerland: Freie Gemeinschaftsbank, Basel, PC 40-963-0, CH93 0839 2000 0040 0800 6, BIC FRGGCHB1
- In favour of: ACACIA Fund for Development Cooperation
Donation account in Germany: Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklungshilfe, GLS-Bank in D-44787 Bochum, IBAN: DE05 4306 0967 0012 3300 10, BIC: GENODEM1GLS
- Donation reference: Ukraine Aid
Thank you for your support!
Echterdingen, 23.03.2022