Mr. Senarath Yatigammana
Former President of the Biodynamic Association of Sri Lanka (BDASL)

Mr. Yatigammana was born on 29th October 1965, in the cultural city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. The greenery and history associated with Kandy might have influnced him to become man who loved nature.
He graduated in Science at the University of Peradeniya. Instead of being a bureaucrat, his passion was to support the local farming communities. He helped them to become independent, environmental friendly and ethical by insisting on the sustenance of earth. During his professional career, Mr.Yatigammana held different positions at several organizations that were serving organic and biodynamic farmers.
He was the founding president of the Biodynamic Association of Sri Lanka (BDASL). Not only was he an asset to the BDASL, but he was also an advocate for biodynamic farming in Sri Lanka as he held wealth of knowledge on biodynamic agriculture which he loved so much. Through the BDASL he generously shared his knowledge with many farming communities in Sri Lanka. He conducted several experiments where he tried to combine Sri Lankan indigenous farming knowledge with biodynamic agricultural practices. Further, he was the author of several publications on biodynamic farming.
Mr. Yatigammana, known to his friends as Senarath, was not only a lovely person, but also a mentor to many of his friends and colleagues. His passion and contribution to the organic, fairtrade and biodynamic movements over two decades will be remembered.
May he attain supreme Nibbana!