
International Mother Earth Day
Invest in our planet International Mother Earth Day has been celebrated every year since 1970. It is not so much about celebrating the Earth than about reminding ourselves to step…
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Pathways for sustainable food
Envisioning the future of our livestock system Pathways is a 5-year (2021-2026), EU Horizon 2020 project, contributing to the EU Farm to Fork Strategy, at the heart of the European…
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Join us at the Biofach 2023
The Federation at the Biofach 2023   The Federation will be present again at the upcoming Biofach – the Worlds leading trade fair for organic food –  from February 14…
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International Green Week
Sustainable services of biodynamic farming The International Green Week Berlin (IGW) is one of the most traditional trade fairs nationwide for food, agriculture and horticulture, and one of the best-known…
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World Antimicrobial Awareness Week
Spreading Awareness, Stopping Resistance Last year’s World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) put forth high ambitions in the global fight against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) with the motto ‘Spreading Awareness, Stopping Resistance’.…
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Departure of a Great Man
Mr. Senarath Yatigammana Former President of the Biodynamic Association of Sri Lanka (BDASL) Mr. Yatigammana was born on 29th October 1965, in the cultural city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. The…
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Asian Pacific Biodynamic Conference
About the Conference The Biodynamic Federation Demeter International and the Section of Agriculture at the Goetheanum are pleased to invite you to the 2022 Asian Pacific Biodynamic Conference.  The Conference…
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We are hiring!
Administrative and Accounting Assistant Are you the one we are looking for?   Working with and for values: to care for the Earth through respectful and living agriculture, regenerate ecosystems,…
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Biofach – Summer Edition 2022
Finally back at the Biofach! A Summer edition of the Biofach took place from July 26 to 29, a first as the Biofach usually takes place in February but needed…
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