
Regulation of new GMOs
Civil society, farmers and business organizations: Vice-President Timmermans, don’t deregulate GM crops & animals Open letter: Regulation of new GMOs Together with 161 other civil society, farmers and business organisations,…
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On-farm slaughter
An innovative solution to enhance animal welfare and develop local markets Position paper Given the increasing difficulty for farmers to find slaughterhouses close to their farm, which directly impacts the farmer’s…
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Demeter quality Soil fertility, biodiversity, earthworm
World Soil Day
Connecting humans with soil: time to return to the ground World Soil Day is a day to remember the importance of the soil we are living on. We cannot live…
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Healing the world through agriculture
Human development and care for nature are at the heart of biodynamic farming The Biodynamic Federation Demeter International is launching a new film clip presenting the true values of biodynamic…
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Demeter quality no GMO crop
EU: Lacking courage
Another failed vote on the CAP towards a sustainable future This week Brussels finally took a decision about the future of EU food and farming policies as both agriculture ministers…
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