12 benefits of biodynamic farming

As the year 2024 comes to an end it also marks the end of the 100 years celebration of biodynamic farming. Throughout the year each month was dedicated to a specific contribution of biodynamic farming towards the environment, the welfare of animals or the preservation of biodiversity, – showing how biodynamic farming practices can pave the way towards more sustainable and resilient farming systems. For this last month the focus lies on resilient economic relationships.
Strong and long-term relationships
Biodynamic farming commits to cooperation by building resilient economic relationships with all actors from the field to the plate. Strong and long-term relationships are crucial for farmers as they need to ensure the economic viability of their farm not only for themselves, but also for those who work on the farm.
Associative economics
To ensure social norms are really included in the trading relationships, the Demeter and biodynamic movement engage in ‘associative economics’. This means that all stakeholders along the value chain come together to discuss the current state of market. Farmers, processors, retailers, and consumer representations associate by exchanging views during round tables on the quality of their commercial relationships. Among others they discuss production conditions, growing methods, processing procedures and most important of all fair prices. Instead of maximising profits on only one side, they strive for a cooperation that is good for all commercial partners.
Community supported agriculture
Another way to achieve further cooperation is through the model of ‘community supported agriculture’ (CSA). CSAs are a way to support local agriculture and to strengthen the relationship between farmers and consumers. CSA provides farmers with a reliable source of income and enables them to share the risks linked to farming with the community. Through shared responsibility and engagement CSAs create truly resilient economic relationships paving the way to another economic model.
Contact: Clara – Meet the Team
Brussels, 01.12.2024